Creative Web Projects
Roswitha Gerhart
Safferlingstr. 5 / 134
D-80634 München (Munich)
Tel.: +49 (0)89 / 12 11 14 66
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 12 11 14 68
Sales Tax Identification Number (VAT-ID)according to § 27 a German Sales Tax Law: DE259203663
Responsibility for published content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Roswitha Gerhart (Address as above)
Although the information and recommendations at this Internet Web site are presented in good faith and believed to be correct, Creative Web Projects makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of Information.
Though careful control, Creative Web Projects does not take liability for the content of linked external websites as well as the linked author’s sites. For those contents the responsibility solely lies with the owner of the linked website.
Affiliate Links
We try to use as many affiliate links as possible, to finance our efforts of collecting useful information for your advantage.
Our opinion and critique is in no way based on our affiliations!
We might criticize something for having some disadvantages, but those disadvantages might not be relevant for you or for what you need the service / software for and so it still might be a good choice for you. Even an affiliation will not hold us back from stating those disadvantages we see.
Our affiliations therefore do not change our opinion about services, software or other things, but solely have the purpose to enabling you to choose freely on a well researched and independent website, while helping us to maintain our service for you.
Please consider using our affiliation links to make your intended purchases.
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